Sunday, May 26, 2013

The End of the Beginning of the End

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.
- Frederick Douglass
I think my daughter's eyes are blue. They might be green. She hasn't been around long enough to tell just yet, but they are certainly something. She recognized me for the first time just a few days ago, and smiled up at me in a simple, sweet way that obliterated my heart. She cannot focus on anything more than a few feet from her face, but that, like everything else about her, will change in time. Someday soon, she will be able to see everything, and tragically, this will be the world within her view.
report released early this year by the organization Oxfam International revealed that the combined income of the richest 100 people in the world is enough to end global poverty four times over, and that the gap between rich and poor has exploded by some 60% in the last 20 years. Rather than hinder this division, the recent global economic crisis has exacerbated it. Money does not disappear, you see, but tends to be translated up the income ladder in times of financial distress.
According to UNICEF, nearly half the world's population lives on less than $2.50 a day. One billion children live in poverty, and 22,000 of them die each day because of it. More than one billion people lack access to adequate drinking water, and 400 million of those are children. Almost a billion people go hungry every day.
The incomes of 100 people out of the seven billion on the planet could fix that, and then fix it again, and then fix it again, and then fix it again. The exact total of the wealth of these individuals is actually something of a mystery, thanks to the tax havensthey use to hide their fortunes. There are trillions of dollars squirrelled away in those havens - no one knows quite how much - and the subtraction of that money from the global economy has a direct and debilitating effect on the people not fortunate enough to be part of that elite 100.
In America alone, some $150 billion in tax revenue is lost each year because of these havens, money that could be used for education, food assistance programs, infrastructure repair and health care. Instead, Americans are told the country is going broke, and are force-fed austerity measures by the same politicians who passed the laws allowing the wealthy and corporations to wallow in treasure like Tolkien's dwarves hiding under their mountain.
The recession being endured by the American people is becoming more a thing of fiction every day. The so-called "job creators" are doing just fine, thank you very much, but they don't seem very interested in using the money they've hoarded to expand the job market. According to an analysis of some 2,300 companies by Bloomberg news, hiring by those companies has risen the least amount since 2010. At the same time, however, those companies are sitting on a cash stockpile of $1.73 trillion.
That's "trillion," with a "T." They can afford to hire people. Lots and lots and lots of people. They just aren't, because they make more money that way...and there's always offshore labor available if they need warm bodies to work on the extra-cheap. More than a thousand of those people died in a garment building collapse Bangladesh last month, and the engine of industry barely burped.
Is there any sign that such glaring and damaging inequalities will inspire a legislative response by America's leaders? Don't hold your breath:...

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