Monday, September 2, 2013

6 Important Stories Silenced by Syria War Drums

The news cycle has been completely hijacked by the one-two punch of Miley Cyrus twerking at the VMAs and the relentless march to war in Syria. 

Thankfully, the Miley Cyrus non-story has receded. But if the U.S. Congress votes against striking Syria and the event essentially fades into the background, what then was accomplished by all this uproar?

 Has it all been one big distraction from other important stories? Here are six important stories that have been muffled by the drumbeats of war: 

1. NSA Spying on the World. The biggest story in the world prior to Syria's chemical weapons attack, a story that the Administration moaned they could not get out in front of, are the relentless leaks exposing how the U.S. is spying on the world.  In addition to American citizens being targeted with warrantless spying, it has been revealed that the NSA is also spying on the EU, the UN, G20 (Russia), Germany, Brazil, and the Olympics just to name a few documented targets of illegal spying by the United States. The recent developments since the Syria conflict blacked out any serious coverage has been the release of the black budget for spying of $52 billion, and more countries like France (announced yesterday) and Latin American presidents being added to the growing list of NSA's victims. What's more, the NSA conducted 231 offensive cyber-ops in 2011, hailed as 'active defense'.  Finally, the vast use of illegal wiretaps by the DEA is also coming to light.


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