Friday, June 21, 2013

“We Don’t Want a Word on Your Allegations Pertaining to NSA Wiretapping of Obama, Judges & Activists”-MSNBC

“We Don’t Want a Word on Your Allegations Pertaining to NSA Wiretapping of Obama, Judges  & Activists”-MSNBC

On Wednesday, June 19, Boiling Frogs Post broke the news (Listen to the mp3 preview Here ) on the NSA’s targeting of political candidates, elected officials, federal judges, law firms and  activists, including candidate Barack Obama, revealed by veteran NSA officer and whistleblower Russ Tice.
In this bombshell episode of the Boiling Frogs Post Podcast Show NSA whistleblower Tice  went on record for the first time with new revelations and names of official culprits involved in the NSA’s illegal practices, and explained in detail how the National Security Agency targets, sucks-in, stores and analyzes illegally obtained content from the masses in the United States. He revealed for the first time the NSA Deep State involved in the targeting and wiretapping of US elected officials, political candidates, federal judges and activists for its own purposes.  
Prior to his exclusive interview with Boiling Frogs Post, Mr. Tice tried to expose these government illegalities through US mainstream and larger pseudo alternative media outlets. Both mainstream and quasi alternative media outlets refused to publish or air Mr. Tice’s revelations; while some cited legal concerns others refrained from providing any justification whatsoever.
Today MSNBC aired an interview with Mr. Tice disclosing some of his revelations, thanks to the vigilant activists who tirelessly shared and disseminated Mr. Tice’s revelations and interview audio. Interestingly, at the last minute, MSNBC told Mr. Tice that they would NOT include his revelations on NSA’s targeting of Obama, elected officials, attorneys, judges and activists. Basically, they censored his entire testimony on these stunning allegations!
In a correspondence with Boiling Frogs Post immediately following his censored interview with MSNBC Mr. Tice stated:
“When they were placing the ear-phone in my ear with less than ten minutes left till my air time, the producer in New York said that their lawyers were discussing the material, and at this time, they did not want me to mention anything about the NSA wiretaps against all the people and organizations that I mentioned. That is how it went down. I did say on the air that I know it is much worse and would like to talk about that some time.”
The pathetic sorry state of the United States Media! But, that’s the negative part.There are some positives: ...

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