Saturday, July 6, 2013

CIA Operatives and the Targeted Assassination of Foreign Leaders

 No one’s safe from America’s long arm. From inception, CIA operatives developed skills to kill.

Fidel Castro survived hundreds of assassination attempts. He knows best how Washington operates.
Other leaders weren’t as lucky. In April 1994, CIA surface-to-air missiles killed Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundi President Cyprien Ntaryamira.

Downing their plane put Paul Kagame in power. He became Washington’s man in Rwanda. Ethnic slaughter continued what began earlier. It’s longstanding US policy. It advances America’s imperium.

Mobutu replaced Lumumba in Congo. Pinochet followed Allende in Chile. Saddam’s gone. So is Gaddafi. William Blum documented 50 CIA foreign leader assassination attempts. Half or more times were successful. Chavez perhaps was the latest.

He succumbed to cancer. For decades, America experimented with cancer causing substances. Expert technologies exist.

Assassination this and many other ways claimed lives of foreign leaders. Washington eliminated ones it wanted removed. Sometimes it was by unexplained plane crashes. Every time was state-sponsored murder.
Evo Morales had just cause to worry. EU allies yielded to US pressure. They obstructed his safe passage home from Moscow. He made an emergency landing. He had to.

He was running out of fuel. He might have crash landed. He could have died. Perhaps a CIA missile’s planned next time. Chavez knew Washington wanted him dead. Perhaps his final thought was they succeeded.
John Pilger called forcing down Morales’ plane “an act of air piracy and state terrorism.” It reflects flagrant lawlessness. “(G)angsterism” rules the world, said Pilger. Cowards and hypocrites “dare not speak its name.”
Bolivia formally complained to UN authorities. It cited EU aggression. It claimed a high altitude kidnapping. Washington was largely silent...

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