Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Weeding Out the Wolves

As Janet Napolitano preps her departure from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), some past skeletons are falling out of her closet during the move.
Now, these discoveries aren’t scandals exactly… However, they’re glimpses into the new era of government surveillance that she single-handedly created during her tenure.
You see, there’s a reason she’s referred to as “Big Sis.” Under her reign as head of the DHS, the country has seen a rapid increase in both government-sanctioned spying and audacious disregard for basic Constitutional rights.
According to Big Sis, in order to fully beef up national security, civil liberties are a necessary trade-off. Not only that, but the American populous should embrace the change! This is a conclusion that Napolitano has drawn time and time again…
Unfortunately, you’re probably unaware of just how much that conclusion has affected the rights of American soldiers – the very defenders of American freedom.

In fact, there’s a DHS operation even soldiers themselves are in the dark about… It’s called Operation Vigilant Eagle, and it’s the most shameless measure of Napolitano’s legacy.
The Eagle Has Landed
“God and soldier, we adore, in time of danger, not before.
The danger passed and all things righted, God is forgotten and the soldier slighted.”
When the parade passes and the confetti is swept off of the streets, the returning soldier’s celebration is over – and soon forgotten.
It’s disgraceful, isn’t it?
To think, these brave men and women stake their lives abroad protecting freedoms that simply don’t exist anymore… not even for themselves.
Instead, they return home, often with mental and physical trauma, extreme impoverishment, unemployment, homelessness, deplorable health benefits, post-traumatic stress, suicidal thoughts and family and marital strain. Keep in mind that this is just the short list.
The United States is home to roughly 23 million veterans who’ve served in wars spanning from Afghanistan all the way back to World War II. And if you talk to the majority of them, they’ll tell you how the country they sacrificed so much for has swept them under the rug.
I know first-hand. While I was with the McCain campaign, we worked closely with several veteran associations, and I had the honor of shaking hands with some of the nation’s most honorable men and women.
But here’s the scary thing about the recent DHS revelations…
Soldiers aren’t forgotten. In fact, they’re remembered in a manner they’d never wish on their worst enemy. You see, soldiers are the focus of an American law-enforcement effort called Operation Vigilant Eagle, tasked to the FBI by Napolitano back in 2009.
Its aim (i.e. how the government chooses to disseminate its aim) is to prevent “lone wolf” extremists from aiding terrorist organizations.
So how do they go about doing this? ...

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