Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Nearly 40 Million 'Bee Holocaust' in Canada

Heather Callaghan
Activist Post

Imagine you own and run an all-natural sweetener factory. You walk into work and all the employees are sprawled out dead - on the floors, over railings, in the vats. They've been gassed; poisoned. Your immune system is slightly stronger so you aren't as affected. Now imagine you have tens of millions of employees and they run farms on the side. That city and the metropolitan areas would be devastated - and it happens in other cities, and other countries - simultaneously for seven years. Think of the headlines and the conclusions - the words "terror attack" would be tossed about. But they aren't there; the gravity is downplayed to protect corporate interests and an agenda that must destroy the ecology, environment, and the food supply to usher in  a new era that requires complete debilitating dependence.

If you think this reframe sounds over dramatic - think again. It's that important for the food supply, ecology, and even the economy that these co-creators be able to survive.

Recently 25-50,000 bees in Oregon dropped dead with strong evidence pointing to a toxic spray used in trees. The UK just witnessed their biggest bee loss yet, and it's been suggested that the U.S. lost 50% of its bee population in the last year - affecting both crops and prices. Now we see a massive loss with our neighbors up north in Canada....

David Schuit runs Schuit's Saugeen Honey near Elmwood, Ottawa, Canada and witnessed a devastating loss of 600 hives totaling nearly 40 million bees. What happened around the same time? A nearby corn field was planted. Bingo.

The group of chemical pesticides called neonicotinoids include chemicals produced by Bayer CropScience and Syngenta has everything to do with this, as seeds - especially genetically modified corn - are treated before planting. These chemicals have been found in soil, plants, pollen, even in the end product of high fructose corn syrup which is often fed to bees as cheap food to replace the honey they would have survived on. Bees get thirsty too; and there is footage that proves when they drink water droplets from treated plants they can die of neurotoxicity within 25 minutes...

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